Friday, January 28, 2011

The Corruption of Our Youth- The Destructive Influences that are Impacting Their Lives

Today was one of the most uncomfortable, awkward and disagreeable afternoons of my life.  My daughter came home with a baby and I am not happy!  She proudly sat her 'son' down and removed the blanket from his head.  Then she removed him from the baby carrier and rocked him in her arms.  By this time I was cringing!  Then she had the nerve to ask me "will you watch him while I take the dog out?"
"No Way!"
"I am not helping you do anything!"  "It is your baby, you figure it out!"
She reluctantly put the baby back in the carrier, leashed the dog and took them both out!

My daughter's baby is not real.  It is a simulation doll given to her by the school.  They are supposed to get a real life experience of parenthood.  This baby had to be named by my daughter, she has to change its diaper, feed it, dress it, console the baby when it cries and take it everywhere she goes.

I have never seen my daughter more excited about a school project.  She is a high school senior and this seems to be the highlight of her year.  One of the main concerns I have about this project is the promotion of single parenthood.  If this is a real life experiment I think the kids should be working with a partner.  They should make decisions together and share the responsibility.  My daughter's teacher rejected the idea of doing the project with a 'spouse.'  What kind of lessons are they teaching?

To make matters worse one of my daughter's favorite programs is, you guessed it, "Teen Mom."  This reality show follows the life of teenage moms and their struggles as teen moms.  One of the moms got pregnant a second time and they recorded her abortion!  Our youth are being corrupted!

What about The Disney Channel and Nickelodeon!   This programming is geared towards children between the ages of maybe 3 and 17.  The stars of the show are the kids and they are just disrespectful!  They lie to their parents, yell at them and basically treat them like fools.  The worst part is the parents laugh at their treatment, leave the room and the kids continue with their bad behavior.  It is hard to find the humor.  Then you have the sexual tension between 12 year olds!  They fall in love, kiss and get their feelings hurt.  The boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is the central theme of most of the lives of the networks characters.  The lessons being taught here are corrupting our youth.

Last but not least, the entertainers!  Sex sells, but too the kids!  The sexual curiosity is aroused in our children at an early age.  They see Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus and Jessica Simpson.  They started off as young, innocent and wholesome, but everyone knew what was coming.  It is as if the world waited for these girls to turn 18 and become media 'playmates.' Sexy outfits, bumpin' and grindin' is the norm and their fans are 11 years old.  Not to mention the trauma these stars themselves suffer. 

I know responsible parents try to protect their children, but the things the kids learn at school.  I think we have come full circle now.  I began this article with school and here it ends at school.

Our kids need us to be good role models.  They need us to guide the way because they are being hit with corrupt messages from every side.  Please understand, I do not completely knock "Teen Mom" or the baby simulation experiment.  I am asking for balance.

Much of the subject matter covered in reality shows like "Teen Mom" are simply the truth about American youth.  But is the content in today's fictional media producing the troubled teens that appear on reality shows?  How can we begin to impact the people who produce content for our  children?  What is the proper standard?  How are we creating an Empowered future for our youth?  These are some serious questions that need to be addressed and we as parents and citizens of the world have the power to make a difference!
photos via:,, via Google images. 

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