Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life- The Benefits of Positive Thinking

It is important to practice positive thinking.  I use the word practice because thinking positively takes active participation.   Allowing yourself to dwell on negative situations, outcomes and fears shapes you as a person.  How do you feel after you have been exposed to something that makes you happy?  You are usually happy, right?  Not if you continually focus on negativity.  It is difficult to embrace anything that is good.  You may smile, or even outwardly laugh, but inside you are an anxious, nervous mess waiting for something horrible to ruin your good thing.

Allowing yourself to think in a positive manner will change your perspective.  Continued practice can even re-frame your disposition.  I know that this is easier said than done, creating new habits is not as easy as eating cookies.  You may even need professional assistance to dissolve past trauma, but the results of a good attitude can Empower your life.  Here are some of the benefits.

  1. You get to move past your circumstances.  You can either become a victim of your bad situation or use your situation to make you sharper.  Just as a body builder needs resistance to develop muscles... using the tool of positive thinking develops your ability to transcend adversity.
  2. Your choices will build you up.  If you live in a negative, dark existence you will tend to act in that direction.  These actions will steal your motivation and destroy your hope.  However, if you think positive, you will build bridges that help you reach your goals. 
  3. You become physically healthier.  Doctors continually remind their patients about stress.  It contributes to heart disease, hypertension and depression.  Simply changing your thoughts will increase your physical fitness (Mayo Clinic). 
I know that life can be tough.  I also know that being positive in some circumstance even seems impossible.  Yet, the best way to take control of your life is taking control of your thoughts.  Look fear in the face and claim your Peace! 
photos via: truth459.blogspot.com, optimist-optometrist.blogspot.com 


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