Monday, January 10, 2011

"Working on Monday" How to Have a Good Day at Work!

Having a good day at work requires preparation.  The feeling of inner confidence and calm puts the days events in a clear perspective.  The forgotten memo your supervisor questions you about is less likely to escalate into major a catastrophe.

It can be difficult to relax if you are stressed out, but it is the best time to center yourself.  It is much easier to recover from a bad day if you are acting and not reacting out of emotion.  Here are some simple ways to prepare for a good day.
  1. Eat breakfast.  Eating a meal gives you energy.  You can think of your body like a car.  If it does not have fuel it does not move.  Humans are the same way.  When you are hungry you think slower, move slower and are likely distracted by your hunger.  Some people do not like to have big meals in the morning, smoothies are great!  But try to eat something that will keep you full until lunchtime.  
  2. Get a good nights sleep.  It always feels better to start the day off fully rested.  The Mayo Clinic recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.  Your mind is more alert and you are less likely to forget important details.  
  3. Wake up when your alarm goes off.  I have to admit I like to hit my snooze button at least twice.  I have found that when I get up I have more energy.  I also do not have to rush!  Try forgetting the snooze and just getting up. 
  4. Find some quiet time.  This has the best result when it is done after work and before work.  Take some time to let go of the events at work and transition into home life.  Forgive people for their mistakes.  Forgive yourself for your shortcomings and praise yourself for accomplishments.  Exercise is an excellent way to work off stress and refocus your thoughts.  Repeating positive affirmations in the morning, prepares your mind for a good outcome.
  5. Tidy up things at home.  When things are in order at home, you can fully focus at work.  Do things like balance your checkbook, make-up your bed when you awake, settle disagreements with friends and family members and make payments arrangements on unpaid bills.  The stress of home can easily carry over to work.  Keep things in order at home and your day is sure to improve.
Have a great work day!

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