Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Changing Your Normal Life to a Successful Life- Do You Have The Qualities?

If you had to rate your life on a scale of 1 to 5, what criteria would you use?  Are you considering the things that you want and do not have?  Are you evaluating your career?  Are you thinking about your family or the car you drive?  Many times the gauges used to answer this question are based on material possessions and present circumstances.  Looking outside of yourself to rate the success of your life is unstable.  Things and people are continually changing.  The best sources for judging life's level of satisfaction are internal.  A normal life can become a successful life if you possess the right internal qualities.

Different groups name these qualities in various ways.  I love the names used in the Bible.  They are called fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).  When you develop these internal navigators your life changes from normal to successful.

The external problems of life are just that, outside of you.  You begin to use your internal strength to understand and manage what you can not control.  For example, if your relationships are stressful friends and others can make life miserable.  But when you decide to be patient and use your self-control the foolish antics of others are not a concern.  Others may want to cause you emotional pain, but when you understand this temporary situation will pass, just as all other problems your life becomes successful. 

Choosing to function by internal qualities Empowers you to make healthier choices.  These choices will move you into a successful place, but until you get there you can rely on your patience.  You can be good to others and be faithful in nurturing your spirit.  Joy will comfort you and kindness will stop you from becoming bitter. Gently handling yourself and others will minimize destruction to your life and others on the way to success.

Just as the seasons change, your circumstances change.  You have already won when you allow yourself to experience joy in the rain.  Cultivating these qualities is part of the journey.  Here are some ways to change your normal life to a successful life by using these qualities.
  1. Pray.  Prayer is an act that reassures you.  It reminds you God is helping you and protecting you along your journey.
  2. Read your scriptures.  Reading the scripture of your chosen religion cultivates your soul.  As a Christian I always feel comforted by the nurturing words that give life to my soul.
  3. Volunteer.  Give to people in need, even when you are lacking yourself.  Find an organization that is important to you and share your time.  Knowing you are contributing to life in a positive way quickens your spirit.  
  4. Realize life is not perfect.  You will always be confronted with challenges.  Know that you are not doomed or cursed because bad times come your way.  Manage from a place of internal love knowing you will persevere.  This way when the good times come you will be able to fully rejoice.  
Your normal life has now become successful.  Even when things and people around you are not great.  This is because you have used your internal qualities to experience a life of the charts!
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