Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Everybody Wants You!- The Competition for Your Attention, Time and Money

Did you know how desirable you are?  Everyday, all day millions of people are literally having sleepless nights wondering why you do not care.  They have meetings about you and actually research how to be apart of your life.  Yes they even change their minds and reformat who they are just to make you happy!  These are famous people who want you.  I am not talking about your neighbor or your spouse. I am talking about people like Donald Trump, Ron Howard, Oprah Winfrey, The Kardashian's, The National Football League and powerful people in government.

Each of these people compete feverishly for a moment of your time.  They hope to make you a loyal fan or follower.  The more you love them, the richer they become.  I am sure many of these people trying to get your time care about you.  I would not categorize them as being evil.  They are invested in you to make a living and sell, for the most part, quality products.

So my next question is, Who has your attention?  Here is a short list of who has been wanting you this month alone.  It is February and a lot is happening.  The American Heart Association wants you to wear red for American Heart month, Hallmark, Ivanka Trump and anyone with a product wants you to buy gifts for Valentine's day and it is Black History Month!  It is a good thing February only has 28 days!

I think that Participating in charitable activities surrounding these important causes is great.  But understand people thought about how to get you where you are planning to go. If they are smart they thought about how to keep your attention.  I must admit, I want your time as much as anybody else.  I want to Empower you and enable you to live a life of Peace!  My cause is just as noble as the next.  How do you decide what to invest your valuable time, money and energy into?

What do you consider quality?  How do you measure a successful event?  What determines money well spent?  Everybody wants you, but what do you want?  Here are some things to consider.
  1. Know thyself.  It is important to know what gives you real satisfaction and why.  Creating a personal mission statement can help you with this.  If the things you are buying do not constructively add to this vision, consider if it is worth your time, energy ultimately your money.
  2. Why do you like the products you are buying.  Is it the commercial?  I like commercials, if you have a product you have to find a way to bring attention to them.  They are funny, entertaining and many times sweet.  However a good commercial in and of itself is not a reason to buy.  It may be a reason to question, research or even experiment.  Pledge your allegiance to a product because it really works for you.  You could be missing out on something great for completely shallow reasons.
  3. Look into events and causes.  Many events are planned for Black History Month.  Many people sincerely want to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of African-Americans.  The American Heart Association is raising money this month and promoting many fund raisers. It is wise to look into organizations wanting your money.  Make sure they are really connected to reputable causes.  Ask them what they are doing with the donations.  It feels good to give, but you also want to be smart.  Look into your religious organizations and other clubs as well.  Make sure they are using your contributions in a responsible way.  You are not wrong to ask, they are wrong to deny.  
  4. Share your opinion.  What you think matters.  Everybody wants you!  Let people know when they are doing good.  Let people know when they are doing bad.  I would be careful in restaurants, yikes!  Good customer service should be acknowledged.  How many times have you waited to tell someone about a terrible experience?  Show the same type of urgency with great care.  Whenever service catches your attention let it be know.  Write letters and/or make phone calls.  I think it is fair to tell people how they are doing, especially since they work so hard to get you. 
  5. Remember Nancy Regan, just say no! If something is not good just don't buy it anymore.  Brand loyalty should not be based on longevity but real satisfaction.     

Understand your value and make Empowered choices!
photos via:, and via Google images 

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