Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life Insurance and Funeral Arrangements- Wonderful Gifts of Love

Funerals are not a topic many people like to discuss. They bring up images of death and stir painful feelings.  As a hospital chaplain a lot of my time was spent with grieving families and the issues that surround death and funeral arrangements.  Personally I was a major contributor in planning my mother's funeral.  My family had to talk about money, flowers, clothing and locations.  I wanted to grieve the loss of my mother, not plan her last viewing. 

Two of the greatest gifts you can give your family are a pre-arranged funeral and the money to pay for it!  These kind gestures will take a tremendous burden off of your loved ones.  The average funeral costs about $10,000.00.  I do not know many people who have an extra $10,000.00.  The majority of people are living with a small savings, if any at all. 

Invest in a life insurance policy.  It does not have to be millions of dollars.  Just enough to cover the cost of the services.  I have seen so many families unable to pay for the funeral of someone they love.  Some are forced into cremation because a traditional burial was too expensive. 

Planning your funeral is certainly awkward.  Who wants to think about dying?  But taking a few moments with a funeral director and securing a life insurance policy can bring comfort to your family, when they need it most.

The Average Cost of Life Insurance- an informative article on 
How Much Will Life Insurance Cost Me?-

Pre-arranging a funeral is as easy as calling your local funeral home.  They are experts in this area and should be able to answer your questions and offer guidance.  Like anything in life shop around, educate yourself and make wise decisions.  Your family deserves it! 
photo via: via Google images

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! I was a 19 year old who had to bury an uninsured mother. I now work in insurance!

    Stopping by from SITS - have a great day!


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