Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prayer Requests

"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.  For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:19-20

I believe prayer changes things and if you would like me to join with you in prayer please submit your requests to:

"Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears; For I am a stranger with You, A sojourner like all my fathers.
Psalms 39:12

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This policy is valid from 22 August 2010

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Chaplain Donna
Empowered Peace is a website that recognizes the inherent spiritual nature of human existence.  Every part of your life is informed by your spirituality: relationships, career, family, hobbies and life choices.  The more you develop your spirituality the more fulfillment you will discover is available, and this gives you Empowered Peace.  Various topics are discussed here; informative series and engaging formats are used to continually and consistently bring you free life changing information.  Welcome to Empowered Peace and participate in your journey.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Teenager's Thoughts: Pregnancy, Abortion, Sex and Peer Pressure, All Before Age 13!

"Mom I'm pregnant" are the words almost every parent of a teenager, is afraid to hear. Unfortunately teen pregnancy and abortion rates have increased for the first time in 10 years. The Guttmacher Institute reported this 3% increase in teen pregnancies across all races.

Alexis Ware, a high school senior attends a school where pregnant students are ordinary. Here are her thoughts on the subject.

Author: Alexis Ware
Teen Pregnancy is an epidemic on the rise in the United States. The statics are getting higher everyday. Schools try to stress abstinence and safe sex but it isn't working, teens continue to get pregnant. The school is not the only responsible party, home life also plays a big part. There is only one way to stop this problem and that is to stop having sex. This sounds like an easy solution but peer pressure makes this choice almost impossible. The decisions about keeping a baby or having an abortion is another big problem on its own. It puts stress on the teen, the teen's parents and everyone who is involved.

When a teen becomes pregnant it affects both the boy and girl. You have to grow up early and you face consequences like dropping out of school or financial instability. Teens who are pregnant may also lose their relationships with their parents, it is hard to find work without a babysitter. All this stress isn't just put on the girl; the boy also feels the same emotions and loses opportunities.

When you are a pregnant teenager you are faced with one of the most difficult decisions of your life. What do you do about the baby? Should you keep the baby or choose another alternative?  Most teens keep their child, for those that don't they have the option of adoption or abortion. In my opinion, abortion is a form of murder and should be illegal. I think that the best option for a pregnant teen with an unstable household, no support or money is adoption. When you do this the baby has a better shot at getting everything it needs and you can still enjoy your life as a teenager.

Teen pregnancy in 100% preventable. The best way to prevent it is not to have sex. This also prevents getting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia, herpes and many others. I know some teens do not have the will power to say no, if you make that decision to have sex make sure you use protection. A lot of teens feel the need to do it because of peer pressure or they just want to know what it is like. These are not the right reasons to have sex. The safest thing to do is have sex when you are prepared to care for children. I also think parents should talk to their kids about sex.

It is your responsibility to protect yourself and your partner. Having a baby is not what the media makes it seem.  You now have to take care of another human being, think about it.

Talking to Your Teen About Sex

Talking to your teen about sex can be uncomfortable, but it is necessary.  The greatest influence in your child's life is you.  Not talking about this subject with your child can be interpreted as indifference.  Your teen is also left to learn about sex on their own and subject to unreliable sources.  They go to friends, learn from the media and infer healthy sexuality from their culture.  They need to hear about your beliefs regarding teenage sex and relationships.  A good place to begin a discussion about sex is to reflect on your values and determine the message you want to deliver to your teen.  Another important step in preparing for this conversation is anticipating questions your child may have and determining your answers ahead of time.  For example, your child may ask about your personal sex life.  Having your boundaries set before the conversation happens will allow you talk with sincerity and gentleness. 

Pay attention and capitalize on teachable moments.  Your child is always communicating a message, look, listen and don't be afraid to speak into your child's life.  This is your God given right and responsibility. 



Get involved with your child's life and try to keep open communiation at all times.  Social media is a great place to stay in touch with your teen.  Facebook, Twitter, My Space and text messages all tell a story of your teens public and private life.  Your teen needs a parent not a friend.  With patience, prayer and hard work you can make it through the teen years without a grandchild and have Empowered Peace!


Teen Pregnancy Statistics (This website has great information)

The Right Words (An article about speaking to your daughter about her body and sex)

Additional Articles

photo credits:,,,, all via google images. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

20 Ways You and Kim Clijsters Can Say I "Love" You Without Speaking the Words

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Saying I love you to someone special is a gift.  It is easy to forget the value of love in the busy day to day activities of life.  Working, raising children, pursuing personal goals and caring for the sick often overshadow the needs of your partner.  I encourage you to stop and remember the precious person that you love and loves you back.

Falling in love is one of the most beautiful events in life.  It fills your being with hope, joy and meaning.  Love is certainly something that gives quality to life.  So in honor of the gift of love, here are 20 ways to say I love without using words.

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  1. Stare lovingly into your loves eyes.
  2. Send a hand written love letter expressing your feelings.
  3. Remember something special your love talks about and find a way to fill their request.
  4. Ask them to dance when you are at home and no one else is around.
  5. Wear something really nice.
  6. Have their favorite radio station dedicate a song to them from you.
  7. Clean the house.
  8. Get a babysitter for the kids and reconnect with your love.
  9. Write them a poem.
  10. Fill up their gas tank and get their car washed.
  11. Give your love a soft romantic kiss at an unexpected time.
  12. Invite them out with your friends.
  13. Sing a love song to them, even if you can not sing.
  14. Hold their hand while you are watching a movie.
  15. Say you are sorry for all the times you ever hurt them or left them alone.
  16. Let your love have the television remote control for the weekend.
  17. Stop what you are doing when your love talks and really listen.
  18. Clean up their mess instead of yelling.
  19. Acknowledge the kind things they have done for you since you have known them.
  20. Pray for your love.
Now say,

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Love Resources
 Does Falling in Love Make Us More Creative? (a scientific look at love)

The Love Calculator (find the chances of love between you and a dream partner) (love, relationship and romance resources, packed with great information)

Kim Clijsters Website/Blog

Weekend Getaways (Marriott Romance Packages)

Great Love Stories

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Leave Her to Heaven, or She Will Kill You on the Way to Hell

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 Comcast OnDemand free movie: Leave Her to Heaven is a 1945 classic. This is now playing on Comcast OnDemand and is a Technicolor delight.  Originally released in black and white, this Technicolor 110 minute feature looks superb.

Turner Classic Movies selected this classic thriller.  The movie tells the story of a Jealous woman named Ellen Berent Harland and the affects of her life-sucking love. Ellen's need to possess the people she loves drives her to carry out cruel and violent acts.  Ellen, the main character, is played by actress Gene Tierney and the supporting cast submit themselves to her presence making the suspense an emotional ride.  Vincent Price is cast as her jilted lover, Russell Quinton.  It was hard for me not to see him as the creep in all the horror films.  I was glad his appearances were fairly brief, but very intricate to the story.  His character Russell displays the yearning of a love unfulfilled when Ellen obsesses over a person, who is not you. 

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Cornel Wilde, Jeanne Crain, Mary Philips and Darryl Hickman are the remainder of the supporting cast.  Cornel Wilde plays Richard Harland, Ellen's husband.  Jeanne Crain plays Ruth Berent, Ellen's sister and Mary Philips is Ellen's mother, Mrs. Berent.  Darryl Hickman plays Richard's sick teenage brother, Danny Harland. 

Each character is placed against Ellen's psychotic behavior to illustrate her love and her hate.  Ellen attaches herself to Richard Harland because he reminds her of her dead father, the first fatal victim of her love.  Ellen's family along with Richard's work and family are perceived to be interferences by Ellen and she systematically tries to remove each one.  Her tactics are chilling and downright dirty! 

Just when you think the movie is over Ellen has her final hurrah.  She continues to torture her family from a very far distance.  One of the opening scenes is below, it is when Ellen and Richard meet.  The movie begins rather slow, but builds momentum as the movie unfolds. 

If you like classic movies this would be a decent one to catch while it is free OnDemand with Comcast.  If you do not like classics, why don't you give this a try.  The costumes are outstanding, the Technicolor is awesome and the sets are classic Hollywood.  This is a good story. 

Mental illness is a barrier to spiritual well being.  Many people suffer from unhealthy infatuations that cause suffering for themselves and everyone in their circle. 

I give the movie 3 out of 5 stars or a C+

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Workplace Worries and Badly Behaving Bullies

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 The workplace is the second, if not the first home to a majority of working people.  Your job can be full of good friends, supportive supervisors and friendly potlucks but increasingly the workplace has become a war zone.  Employers and employees alike actively seek out individuals to harass and humiliate.  This terrorist mentality causes absenteeism, medical expenses, mental and emotional exhaustion, lower wages, character assassination and termination of employment.  According to Time Magazine many states are following the lead of New York's Healthy Workplace Bill and cracking down on workplace violence. 


The media is not at a loss for stories about bullying.  In fact, a new term has been created for the act of suicide caused by bullying, "Bullycide."  Here are some of the victims: Phoebe Prince, Megan Meier, Karl Peart, Gemma Dimmick, Jodie Zebell and Brodie Panlock just to name a few.  These people were called names, the subject of gossip, victimized by vicious rumors and continually made to feel unworthy by their bullies.  The continual marginalization and the increased power of the bully became overwhelming and they eventually committed suicide.  They were finally convinced that what the bullies said was true and there was not any help or hope to fix things.  This is such a sick travesty, bullies actually enjoy the pain of their victims.  Chances are you have been a victim, are a victim or know someone that has been or is being victimized.  I want you to know you are not alone.

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Why Do People Bully?

  • Fear:  People are afraid of many things.  Job loss in today's economy is certainly one of them.  People who are working are willing to use unethical means to keep their jobs.  This is unfortunate and many times fear comes in the form of bullying and a mentality of "only the strong survive." 
  • Insecurity: Many people are insecure and anyone they perceive as capable of 'getting ahead' of them is a target. 

  • Jealousy: Old fashioned jealousy fumes many flames.  A lack of values, misdirection and unrealistic expectations lead people to hate others.  The hate comes from feeling they deserve something more and proceed to take it from another person.

  • Power: How seductive is power?  Power used in the wrong way creates bullying.  

  • Control: Bullies like to have control over everything, especially the life of their victim.  They are unable to maintain a peace of mind without suppressing their victim, the person becomes as a possession or toy.  Managing their own lives would require introspection and most bullies feel it is too painful or scary to face their demons. 
How to Survive Your Bully

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You can allow bullies to steal your peace and joy.  This is a spiritual poison that breaks the heart of many lost souls.  Continued exposure to this behavior can make you sad, discouraged, depressed, anxious, distracted and unproductive.  The best way to handle a bully is to minimize these effects.  You have to find a positive in-flow to counteract their negativity.  Religion, friends, prayer, worship, arts and crafts and spiritual renewal are all examples of positive actions.  You may feel like giving up or not participating but these things help!

  • Take notes of the activity happening at work.  Use this information wisely and at the right time.

  • Don't allow the bully's rumors and lies to define who you are.  Read affirmations and repeat them to remind yourself of your value.

  • Confront your bully with a calm ethic.  Yelling or bad behavior will only get you in trouble and make your bully's lies more believable.

  • Report this activity to human resources.  Tell them about the hostile environment your bully is causing and ask for help.

  • Educate yourself about workplace bullying and find a support group.

  • Consult an attorney.

  • Ride out the storm.  From a spiritual perspective, some lessons are taught over and over again until you walk completely through the situation.  This can be scary and very uncomfortable, but by educating yourself on your situation, prayer and acting with integrity you can win. 

  • Never give up!
!!!Special Note!!!

This is to all of you who see someone being victimized and harassed at work.  SAY SOMETHING!!!  Confront the bully, stick up for your co-worker and refuse to tolerate this nonsense.  Report the incidents to human resources and keep notes.  You do not want the guilt of thinking you could have done something when it is too late.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surpirse Number 1 Revealed!

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Just as I promised it is time to reveal surprise number 1!  The response to Empowered Peace has been more than I ever expected.  I thought you deserved something special for your dedication and support.  In honor of you and all of your interest in this website I have been working on a major re-design.  That's right, Empowered Peace will have a completely new look by the beginning of next week!  I can't wait!
Surprise number 2 came in the mail this week.  I can't reveal that to you yet, but here is a clue:

There will be 3 people feeling sweet and that is hard to beat! There will be more feeling bitter and that ain't no kitty litter. Stayed tuned...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Using Your Suffering to Live a Life of Purpose, Part 2

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Part 1 of this series discussed the condition of a suffering soul and a conduit to transform the pain, volunteer work.  Giving your time to others in  a position similar to your own can be a healing balm to your heart.  Volunteer work is also a restorative tool for people suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)


Volunteering too soon after a difficult situation can be overwhelming.  Discuss your situation with the Volunteer coordinator of your chosen program or a healthcare professional before you start. 

How Volunteering Heals Your Suffering

A compromised soul is imprisoned.  If you are in this state, you will not be able to function at your full capacity because shame covers you like a transparent blanket.  This blanket of limitations prevents you from interacting with people in an honest and healthy manner because you fear they can see the dirty secrets of your past.  You are burdened with a false belief that others will be repulsed by you if they knew what happened to you.  These lies seen through shame lock up your purpose and volunteering can be a key to freedom.

volunteering connects you with mentors.  Reputable organizations with good leadership will have dedicated people that have an understanding and compassion for your/their cause.  This inspirational influence adds a dimension of hope to motivate a helpless soul.  It also unites people and erases loneliness and fear.

Volunteering gives a senseless act meaning and fills your being with purpose.  Your message to the people who hurt you says you refuse to be a victim of your circumstances.  You begin to touch people connected to your cause and they are Empowered by your example, this brings Peace to your lives and makes the world a better place.  The blanket of shame that once contained you is slowly lifted and your life is lived for a purpose bigger than you.  You are no longer contained in your small world but released from bondage because you become determined to make a difference. 

Suffering a traumatic event(s) can leave a person feeling victimized. This victimized mentality is another barrier between meaninglessness and purpose. Becoming a volunteer energizes people and allows them to feel valued.  When a person feels they are needed the shy unneeded persona of a victim is removed. This allows for a person to speak and take risks for another person's well-being. These acts transfer back to the broken soul of the individual and slowly mends the wounds of the soul. A victimized person can unknowingly be self-centered and see the actions of others as ways to hurt them. Helping others redirects these thoughts and working for a greater cause takes the focus off of self.

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Volunteering not only allows for you to provide acts of kindness that are satisfying to your soul.  Volunteering is also a place for your mind to find rest.  Your mind is taken off of your pain and mundane daily routines.  You begin to think about how you can serve others.  These are noble, true and virtuous thoughts that give the mind Peace.  God created humanity to serve each other with the gifts and talents He carefully choose for each of His creations.  You may not know how to sing, act, dance or even cook but each person has the ability to help another person through volunteering their time and giving their love.  Use your suffering to live a life of purpose.

Reclaiming Children and Youth: The Journal of Strength-based Interventions, v14 n1 p16 Spr 2005

The book of Philippians (NKJ)

Tunnicliffe, H. (2009). Volunteering - better than daytime TV any day!. TCE: The Chemical Engineer, (819), 32. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Resources (A great website filled with information about various mental and physical well-being articles)

Crisis Prevention Institute (An organization focused on crisis help and prevention)

Peace Corps (Volunteering in developing countries)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Using Your Suffering to Live a Life of Purpose, Part 1

Finding your purpose in life is an exhilarating feeling.  It gives you an unspeakable joy and an inner satisfaction because the reason God created you is able to find a functional outlet.  This joy comes not only from using your God given gifts and talents, but from the people around you who are directly affected by your work.  These people are changed in a positive way because you are being true to your inner self.  Some of you are living your dream and honoring the creative being God carefully placed inside of you.  However, the majority of people struggle with not knowing their purpose in life and aimlessly wander in life feeling devalued and useless.  The wandering people I'm speaking of are in your churches, homes, work places, grocery stores and doctor's offices.  They are your neighbors and school teachers, strangers you pass on the streets and possibly even you.  The circumstances of life can destroy your soul and the dreams you once had become only  vague memories.

via Warner Bros.

This heart breaking scene from The Color Purple is difficult to watch.  Celie and Nettie were sisters torn apart by an abusive husband.  Some of your stories are not this tragic, but others of you have experienced far worse.  The good news is there is hope the mend your shattered heart.  The brokenness of one's soul can be restored through acts of morality.  "This involves survivors restoring themselves by responding to others’ suffering, dedicating themselves to causes and improving the world; giving life meaning and leaving it a better place (Farley 2007)."  In other words, you can volunteer or start your own non-profit organization to help others suffering from the pain you once experienced.  Remember spiritual care is about finding and nurturing your meaning and purpose in life. 

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Becoming a part of a reputable organization or building your own community of helpers is a conduit for transforming your pain.  It gives you the ability to restore peace and joy in your life and help others in need.  Part one of this series was an introduction to the condition of broken souls.  Part two of this series will discuss the healing.  Until then let me leave you with a happy ending. Celie and Nettie are reunited after lives of abuse, rejection and heartache.


Farley, Y. (2007). Making the Connection: Spirituality, Trauma and Resiliency. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work, 26(1), 1-15. doi:10.1300/J377v26n0101.
The Book of Philippians (NKJ)


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thank You, Comments and Things to Come!

Chaplain Donna

I wanted to take this opportunity to say "thank you" for visiting the Empowered Peace Website. Your response has been overwhelming and using the video clip above is the most personal way I can reach out to you on the Internet. Once again, from the bottom of my heart "THANK YOU!"

Comments are Precious

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I love to hear from my readers, I've built a comment space for you at the bottom of each of my posts. Let me know how the articles are touching you, let me know what is on your mind, let me know what topics interest you. You can also tell me your story, each one of you has a unique story and yours matters to me. You can sign into the comment section or leave an anonymous message, the choice is yours, but please let me know your thoughts.

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What are Empowered Peace and Spiritual and Personal Healthcare?

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This is also an excellent opportunity to reiterate why Empowered Peace exists. Empowered Peace is a website that discusses personal and spiritual healthcare information. Why spiritual care? Spiritual care informs every area of your lives. It is the part that drives you to live, create, protest and find your place in life. When your spirituality is compromised it diminishes the quality of your life and steals your peace. The information given here will help you restore your peace and give you new perspectives on life and how to live it with quality.

Two Big Surprises!!

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The last thing I want to tell, but certainly not the least... I have two big surprises coming up in the near future. I had to find a way to reward you and let you know how much you mean to me. I'm very excited, but you will have to wait a little longer before I can let you know. Keep checking into the site for further updates, you can also subscribe via e-mail for the latest updates. All subscriptions are free, just put your e-mail address in one of the subscription boxes on the side.

I think that is everything, I will be back soon with more great empowering information!

Blessings and Appreciation
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