Sunday, October 31, 2010

Starbucks Coffee and a Book Give-a-Way!

New Give-a-Way!  Win a $12 gift card to Starbucks Coffee and copy of the book "Bittersweet!" 

All you have to be is a member of Empowered Peace Facebook fan page!  The contest begins 11/1/2010 at 6am EST and ends 11/22/2010 6am EST.  To be a fan of Empowered Peace Facebook fan page just "like" the page by following this link.  All fan page members are eligible to win!

I will randomly choose 3 Empowered Peace Facebook fans, with the help of a contest judge.  That's it! 

Good Luck!
photo via (c)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Michigan Roundtable Discusses The Effects of Fair Housing Discrimination in Michigan

Professor Brent Simmons and Abrahm Singer

Cooley Law School , in Auburn Hills, Michigan, was the location of a live reenactment of Milliken v. Bradley.  A case that impacted the Metro-Detroit area from 1970 to 1974 and continues to strain race relations in Michigan.  Fair housing and discrimination in Michigan were in many ways shaped by the judgment of this case.  I attended this event sponsored by Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion along with Cooley Law School.  This dynamic event was titled: "From Redling to White Flight, The History of Housing Segregation and the Importance of Regionalism." 

Milliken v. Bradley was a case that sought to desegregate Detroit Public Schools.  The NAACP (The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) along with parents of Detroit school children fought to have busing take place within fifty-three metropolitan school districts, thus desegregating a dual school system.  In a 4 to 5 decision the court ruled against this stating segregation was the result of choice and not mandated by the Jim Crow laws of the south. 

This ruling had a devastating effect on fair housing discrimination and inclusion in Michigan.  Redlining and white flight have shaped distinct white and black communities throughout the region.  It is now the mission of Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion to create peaceful diverse communities in Metro Detroit.  The foundational oral histories, like the one I attended on 10/29/2010, is one of the three projects to establish fair housing, diversity and inclusion.  Here are the other two objectives:
  1. "The recognition, reconciliation and renewal initiative... starting in the Plymouth-Canton area."
  2. "Work with the diverse community of Southwest Detroit to build bridges among the many races, ethnicity and cultures in the area (Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion pamphlet)."
Michigan Roundtable and Cooley Law School coordinated very distinguished trail participants and panel members.  Kurt Metzger, Director of Data Driven Detroit was the Keynote speaker.  Chief Justice Marilyn Kelly, U.S. District Judge David M. Lawson, U.S. Judge Page Hood, District Court Judge Joseph Oster, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James L. Ryan and Professor Dan Ray, Attorney Thomas M. Cooley Law School were trail participants. Abraham Singer, Partner Pepper Hamilton LLP and Professor Brent E. Simmons, Attorney, Thomas M. Cooley Law School were Advocates.

Judge Nathaniel R. Jones, Assistant U.S. Attorney Judy Levy, Clifford Schrupp, Executive Director, The Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit and Elliott S. Hall, Partner Dykema Gossett were the panel participants. 

Judy Levy stated "legal remedies cannot make people get to know each other.  Only create a space to buy a home where you want."  This fact is the bitter ingredient that spawns racism and hatred.  Finding Empowered Peace is a spiritual necessity living in a world of troubled truths.

You can learn more about the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion by visiting their website or by phone 1-313-870-1500.


photos via Chaplain Donna

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Working on Monday" Part 2

Welcome back to "Working on Monday!"  It has been quite a week.  Let's review the action plans from last week.

Action Plan 1:
Where do you want to be in twenty-five years?  Write out your dreams, do not hold back.

Action Plan 2a:
Pick five companies you want to work for and research their history and culture.

Action Plan 2b:
Go back to your twenty-five year plan and research the history and culture of where you are heading.

Action Plan 3:
Join a club or organization.  Pick something that mirrors your values and has meaning to you.  Your religious organization does not count.

Writing the vision of where I wanted to be in twenty-five years certainly changed my priorities.  I found myself making changes in the way I made decisions.  I have been trying to kick fast food for a long time, and this exercise made me seriously pause.  I thought about that Big Mac and how my health is an essential part of enjoying my twenty-five year dream.  I did not completely give up the fast food, but I cooked more this week then I have in a long time.  It was because I had a direction for my future.  What changes did planning have on your decisions?

One of the struggles I had this week was feeling defeated.  The estimation of our victories in life is tied to what we accomplish.  Being terminated from my job was rejection and it fueled the heaviness of defeat that tried to overtake me.  It tried to convince me I would never amount to anything in life.  Defeat was a fog that loomed on my shoulders and it made me consider giving up.  What thoughts and/or feelings did you struggle with last week?

As we work through this process, I encourage you to journal this experience.  It will help you grasp a better understanding of yourself and put you in the habit of note taking.  Keeping impeccable notes is a key to success in business.  Documentation goes a long way when jerks try to get in your way.

"Working on Monday" a Practical Perspective

My feelings of defeat did not stop me from moving forward.  I may have hesitated at times, but I worked my action plans and made progress.  If you did not complete every step, don't give up!  Keep going, you can do it!  Do NOT let defeat and fear bind you.

Action Plan 4:
When you are feeling like you want to quit, PRESS!!!

Using this time to get a better understanding of the workplace is crucial.  Let's go back to Machiavelli.  He counsels the prince on how to keep power in a composite principality.  A composite is a new principality joined to an old state.  Starting a new job or securing your first assignment as an entrepreneur makes you the new kid on the block.  People are depending on you to complete certain tasks, but you have to remember POWER is always the name of the game.  People are sizing you up and judging how you are going to fit into the established structure.  You have to learn to form alliances and silence your critics. 

Determining how this new position is going to fit into your long-term plan will help.  It will help you know if this job is long or short term, who to befriend, ignore and hold accountable if necessary.  Hopefully your long range dreams have begun to shape what you are doing today.
Action Plan 5:
Begin to make short term goals.  Where do you want to be in six months?  Where do you want to be in one year?  How does it line up with your long term plan?  Make adjustments until it all fits.

Action plan 5 will help you determine if the job I discussed above is even worth taking.  Do not waste your time on things that have nothing to do with your dreams.  Stay focused!  You are interviewing the workplace the same as they are interviewing you.  You are smart, you are powerful, you are focused and you have dreams, do not be afraid to function in the confidence this generates. 

The process of going back to work means job interviews.  You have to have your story straight.  I was feeling pretty bad because my work history sucks.  Then I began to think, many famous people failed several times before they "made it."  It is not any different in the business world, do not let your past determine your future.  Nobody has a perfect work history.  Comparing yourself to an imaginary perfection is ridiculous.  The very nature of life is imperfect, what makes you think anyone has a perfect career. 

Action Plan 6:
Write out your work history in the form of an autobiography.  You have nothing to be ashamed of, this is the experience you are bringing to the company.  A maturity that has reflected on past mistakes and victories, which have made you a better person.  Tell your story with honesty, sincerity and wisdom.  Embrace who you are, work it and be proud!

"Working on Monday" a Spiritual Perspective

We are going to continue with the story of Joseph, Genesis 39.  Joseph made his way out of the pit and into Potiphar's house, the chief officer of the pharaoh.  God had favor on Joseph and everything he did was successful.  Potiphar saw the good work Joseph did, and that God was blessing his work.  This lead to a promotion for Joseph and he was the head man.  Potiphar's wife began to desire Joseph and she harassed him. She wanted to have an affair with Joseph.  He continually refused because he had good character.  Potiphar's wife finally got Joseph alone and Joseph ran leaving some of his clothing behind.  Potiphar's wife lied and got Joseph fired.  He was thrown into prison, another tough break on the way to his dreams.

Spiritual Lessons Learned from Genesis 39

  1. God is with you and He blesses your work.
  2. Sexual harassment still exists, be prepared to handle it.
  3. People may falsely accuse you of their bad behavior.
  4. If your next job does not work out, it is not the end!
  5. God is with you, even when major setbacks happen. 
  6. Don't allow people's bad behavior and lies destroy your dream. 
  7. God will make you prosper, even in the 'prison' experiences of your life.
As we wrap things up for the week, I would like to encourage you to continue working on your actions plans from week one.  If you did not complete them, it is not too late.  Complete your action steps for week two and enjoy the accomplishments you are making during this process. 

Turn in some resumes and PRESS! 

photo credit via:,,, via google images

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: Living and Working with People that are Bipolar

Bipolar disorder is not a friendly disease.  It puts an added  layer of difficulty on interpersonal relationships and is a conduit for chaos.  I have worked with people with Bipolar disease, one was confirmed and the other I suspected.  Their behavior made work impossible, it was destructive and intrusive.  I felt powerless against their undermining and cunning ways.  They never took responsibility for their actions and incredibly convinced others I was the problem.  I can not over emphasize how destructive working with Bipolar people has been to me and my family. 

Bipolar disorder also known as manic depression is a serious disorder.  It is characterised by periods of depression followed by periods of mania.  A person experiencing the depression phase of the disease may be suicidal, have mood swings, or be fatigued.  The manic phase can be identified by hyperactivity, lack of self-control and inflated self-esteem (Google Health). 

I was introduced to this season in my life by another personality conflict with a Bipolar person.  The effects of their behavior were almost identical.  They both managed to convince people I was the problem and even worse, some participated in their deception.  I  was falsely accused by the perpetrator, classic!  It happens in most abusive situations. The perpetrators are professional liars.  Who better knows the story than the one creating the problem, it is easy for them to make false allegations because they know the story from beginning to end.  People who do not manage their Bipolar disorder are unable to control their behavior and to survive they blame the victim.  This is unacceptable!  Employers must use reliable outside investigators to properly evaluate such disturbing situations.

My fault lies in being a doormat!  I always felt it was the Christian thing to do and culturally my family taught me to have a debased attitude and submit to everyone, even people that treated me badly, what a crock! These misconceptions have caused me to allow sick people to steal vital pieces of my identity and masquerade it as their own.  The shame and humiliation I feel because of these violations is sometimes paralysing.  The good news is I have a new understanding of Christian submission.  I also know that the debilitating anchor my parents innocently attached to my soul is unhealthy.  It is right to only accept and expect respectful treatment and hold people accountable for their bad behavior. 

What I want you to know.  You do not have to be a victim!  God did not create you to be the trash can of every one's hostility.  You have a right to expect and command respect, it does not make you rude, it makes you Empowered.  You can demand respect in a dignified manner, you do not have to behave like those who seek to oppress you.
I encourage you to learn about Bipolar disorder and protect yourself.  I encourage people with Bipolar disorder to take their medications and to be honest about their problems.  It is an injustice that others should have to suffer and carry the burden of your lies.  Employers wake up, stand up and do the right thing.  Stop allowing sick people run the workplace.  It sets a bad example for those in moral obscurity and penalizes people doing the right thing.  It is not fair that employees are obligated to lie, all to support and protect a person that needs help. 

We all  have a right to live a life of Empowered Peace.  I'm setting my record straight and if you have been a victim of similar circumstances, I encourage you to take a stand.  Doormats are for the porch and false humility is not fit for humanity!

Important Resources

What is Bipolar Disorder?

photo credits:,, via google images.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Working on Monday" Part 1- The Journey Begins

Welcome to "Working on Monday!"  This week I am going to focus on plotting our path to paid employment. I'm not just talking about a job, I'm talking about your life's purpose. The pathway to your destiny. I have worked since I was 15 years old. My experiences have been an unequal mix of tolerable and terrible workplaces. The weight of the scales rests on some pretty terrible work experiences. I am taking the bad, worst and awful and creating life lessons for "Working on Monday." I have come to the conclusion that business as usual is dead.

"Working on Monday" a Practical Perspective

Let's get right into it!  I have always been an idealistic person.  Since the age of twelve I had dreams of changing the world for good.  The problem with this statement is not the goodness I wanted to impregnate the world with, but the lack of clear planning.  A dream is important, but you have to plan to reach your dreams.

Where do you want to be in twenty-five years?  Yes, twenty-five years, successful businesses have long term strategic plans in place.  If we are going to be relevant and living our dreams in the future, the planning and action needs to take place today.  Everything we do in this series is going to be strategic! 

Action Plan 1:
Write out where you want to be in twenty-five years.  Don't spare any details.  Where do you want to live?  Where do you want to work?  What kinds of relationships do you have?  How much money do you want?  Dream!  Don't settle for less than your best in this twenty-five year vision. 

Since business as usual is not reaping the results I desire, I have to change.  I have always thought my job was to finish my work with excellence and go home.  If that was all that is required, I would be the CEO of Pepsi!  It takes more than quality work to make it in business.  You have to understand and participate in politics with skill.  I have always hated politics, I thought people that practiced them were suck ups and phonies.  They are just smart!  If you are not apart of politics, believe me, politics will be working you!

In the book The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli he discusses his analysis of the psychology of man. Machiavelli is known for his unethical approach to politics.  I am not suggesting you compromise your integrity, quite the contray.  Know your enemy.  The business world is dog eat dog, and if you are going to live your dream, you have to run with the big dogs!  Many people practice a Machiavellian approach to business called realpolitik.  The name of the game is POWER!  I never cared about power, only helping people and doing the right thing.  I have learned you can not make it on lofty ideals alone.

Machiavelli suggests there are two types of principalities, new or established.  Established principalities are inherited and ruled by families for generations.  A modern day example of an established principality is Ford Motor Company.  How does this relate to you?  Every company you work for has a culture.  You have to learn that culture and work within it to fulfill your dreams. 

Action Plan 2a:
Pick five companies you want to work for and learn their history and culture. 

Action Plan 2b:
Go back to your twenty-five year plan and learn about the history and culture of the life you want to live. 

Staying actively engaged with other business people will help you network, stay sharp and have fun.  Most companies want you to apply for a job online.  It is tough to get noticed.  Engaging in community events and organizations is crucial.

Action Plan 3:
Join an organization or club.  Pick something that has meaning to you and mirrors your values and life dreams.  Your religious organization does not count. 

"Working on Monday" a Spiritual Perspective

Genesis chapter 37 tells the story of a young Joseph.  He had big dreams that made his siblings turn from tolerating him, to hating him.  They plotted his death to kill his dreams (Genesis 37:20).  This is a story God uses to share the importance of your dreams.  Joseph's brothers didn't want to get rid of Joseph, they wanted to kill his dreams.  Don't let anyone steal your dreams, your dreams are more valuable than your life.  A man without a dream is spiritually dead.  One of Joseph's brothers suggested that they not kill him, a divine intervention designed by God.  He said let us just throw him in a pit.  Unemployment, under employment or working a job you hate is like being in the pit.  Can you imagine how Joseph felt?  He must have felt betrayed, hurt, afraid and worried about his future.  Can you relate?

Spiritual Lessons Learned from Genesis 37
  1. You can not share your dreams with everyone.  Your big dreams will stir hatred in envious people, including envious family members. 
  2. People will act upon their hate.  Don't be surprised when people attack you.
  3. God always supplies help in a hopeless situation.
  4. You can get thrown in the pit on your way to destiny.  It is not the end, only the beginning. 
  5. Jealous people will lie to destroy you, even if it hurts their own family. 
  6. God uses your trouble to shape and mold you for your destiny. 
  7. Your dreams are a preview of your ultimate destiny.
Other Things to Consider

Make sure you file for unemployment.  I encourage you to explore your states website and learn about the possible benefits available to you.  We will discuss this in more detail as we continue our process to paid employment.

The next thing you should do is beef up your resume. Here are some good websites:  Resumes and Resume Writing Services, Purdue Online Writing Lab and

Until next "Working on Monday"...
photos via:,,, via google images

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Life is Best When it is "Bittersweet" Book Review

Bittersweet is the second book written by author Shauna Niequist.  Ms. Niequist takes readers through a reflective journey of a transitional season in her life.  Shauna attempts to be true to her feelings, conscious and soul in her heartfelt words chipped from the pain of her past. 

Each chapter is a non-sequential memoir of events that occurred during her transitional phase.  Some of the chapters seem to be developed from the wisdom cultivated by the writing of Bittersweet
Shauna Niequist's words are certainly deeply personal, but at times the flow of the book is disjointed.  She discusses the challenges of intimate family and friend relationships, but the short chapters are too brief to give a through analysis of the story.  I think I would have better enjoyed a continuous chronological autobiography of this period in her life.  However, Bittersweet reads as a wonderful devotional.  It is easy to relate to her stories and feel a connection to her cathartic experiences. 

It was difficult for me to complete this book, but at times it gripped my heart and made me want to be at her dinner parties.  The reading was bittersweet, just like the title.

I give this book 2 out of 5 stars

Would You Like to Win a FREE Copy of Bittersweet!

It is easy to win!  All you have to do is have your friends

Empowered Peace's Facebook fan page!  After your referrals "like" the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page, have them post their name and yours, as the referring person under the Discussions tab, on the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.  Just follow the link. The people with the most referrals will win.  Zondervan Publishing generously submitted three hardcover copies of the book to give-a-way, so there will be three winners! 

The contest started 10/11/2010 at 10pm EST and will end 10/31/2010 at 6am EST.  The winners will be announced 11/1/2010 on the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.  Good Luck!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Weight Loss Wisdom with Coach Chelle: Pushing the Limits!

How do you feel about your body?  Have you ever struggled with weight loss?  Are you finding it difficult to maintain a healthy diet?  If you answered yes to any of these questions I have a special treat for you!  Coach Chelle is sharing her weight loss wisdom!  Coach Celle not only transformed her body, but she transformed her life. 

Coach Celle has an amazing website/blog where you can continue pushing the limitations of your life.  Here is a link to find her home:  A healthy body is an important key to Empowered Peace! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Surpise Number Two Revealed and My Life Changing News!

The New Look of Empowered Peace

Before I begin with my important news, I would like to ask: "How do you feel about Empowered Peace's new look!"  I have received many complements and I would like to acknowledge The Design Girl.  She was really easy to work with and made the entire experience rewarding.  You can go to her site and link to her e-mail for more information.  She also has a great portfolio on her site, just click on the link above.

My Life Changing News

I found out October 4, 2010 that I was being terminated from my job and the budget for my department was being cut.  Considering the economy, I know I have found myself in good company.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported unemployment is 9.6% nationwide.  This is a pretty significant number.

This news certainly has the ability to make my life better or worse, it is my choice.  I'm choosing to make this an opportunity and win!  I'm going to be starting a series called "Working on Monday." This series will consist of a weekly video or article posted on Mondays.  These posts will contain practical views and spiritual views on my process back to paid employment.  At the end of each video or article there will be action steps you can implement into your own life.

You do not have to go through unemployment alone, we can make it together.  This isn't just for unemployed people it is for those of you who are under employed, looking to change careers or just wanting to come along for the ride.  This series will run until I return to paid employment!  Stay tuned for "Working on Monday" the latest series coming to Empowered Peace.

Surprise Number Two!

Now it is time to reveal surprise number 2!  It is a give-a-way.  Zondervan Publishing asked me to review the book "Bittersweet" by Sauna Niequest.  Along with an advanced reading copy of the book, they sent me three beautiful hardcover published editions to giveaway.  It is a wonderful book, you will see the review later this week.  How do you win?  Well it is simple.  All you have to do is get your friends to "Like" the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.  The people with the most referrals win!

Here are the Rules
  1. All entries must be made at or after 10:01pm EST beginning 10/11/2010
  2. The contest closes 10/31/2010 at 6:00am EST
  3. The winners will be announced 11/1/2010 on the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.
  4. For your referrals to count they must (1) "Like" the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.
  5. And (2) post their name and yours as the person who referred them on the "Bittersweet" Book Give-a-Way discussion, under the discussions tab on the Empowered Peace Facebook fan page.
  6. You can NOT refer yourself 
!!!Good Luck!!!

There you have it!  My life changing news and surprise number two revealed. 

photos via: and via google images.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Low Self-Esteem, Kiss My @$$!

I listen to my readers.  This article was written because a reader requested the topic:
What is self-esteem?  This is how Webster defines it: 1. a confidence and satisfaction in oneself: self-respect. 

Let's take a look at what this definition is trying to convey.  A certainty in one's being, a faith and enjoyment in yourself or maybe a more tangible way to understand this concept is a form of measurement.  Self-esteem is the term used to communicate to others how you feel about yourself or how others describe your value of self.  In other words if someone says to you "Dominic has a lot of self-esteem" you now have a piece of information about Dominic.  How do you think of people described with low or high self-esteem?

Here is the problem with self-esteem, it does not have the credence many people invest in its worth.  Self-esteem is not the determining factor that guarantees a successful life.  The strongest correlation they discovered between self-esteem and quality of life, was happiness (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger and Vohs 2003).  This is not to say self-esteem is not important, it is very important.  Happiness is important as well, but self-esteem and happiness are end results.  Chicken, asparagus and rice make an excellent dinner, but they must be prepared.  The chicken has to be seasoned and baked, the asparagus steamed and the rice cooked for supper to be satisfying.  Now let's go back to Self-esteem!  There are many ingredients that lead to good self-esteem, without them the end result lacks its full flavor. 

What does this mean for you?  It means that examining more factors than self-esteem provides you with a realistic idea of how to improve your quality of life.  Self-esteem is a quantitative measure and many times you compare yourself to others and determine you are somehow insufficient.  The deceptive answer to your comparison is normally based on your over assessment of someone else's happiness.  You think about how your mother raised three kids and maintained a clean house, when comparing your children and home to hers they always fall short.  You think about your best friend and how wonderful her husband treats her, then you compare your husband to him, and he falls short.  What about glamorous Hollywood stars, or the dad's that seem to be better fathers because they provide more entertainment and clothes.  These constant comparisons are a set up for failure.

To understand your self value and begin to make changes for a better quality of life, get to know yourself.  You do this by spending time with yourself and determining what you want to change, improve, keep and completely remove from your life.  A Christ-centered assessment used by some Christian counselors looks at these areas of life: behavior, emotions, cognition (what do you think about), health, religion, idols and false beliefs (the things you place above God), substances (prescribed and illicit drugs), teachable (how willing are you to change), law and ethics (are you in danger of self or others), interpersonal relationships, knowledge (do you have the correct information to change) and environment (Clinton and Ohlschlager 2002).  This list can be overwhelming, but taking one area at a time will allow you to know you.  Spend a week to two on each area and journal your findings.  If you find you need more time take it. 

This sounds like a lot of time and work, but you do have a choice.  You can float through life lost and confused or go through life with purpose and intention.  Learning who you are and then doing what you were created for is self-esteem to the third power!
One last thought I'd like to leave you with, you are okay.  All of us are on a journey and none of us is perfect!  As a matter of fact, none of us will ever reach perfection.  Accepting yourself for who you are and where you are is the beginning of Empowered Peace! 


Baumeister, R., Campbell, J., Krueger, J., & Vohs, K. (2003). Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?. Psychological Science in the Public Interest (Wiley-Blackwell), 4(1), 1-44. doi:10.1111/1529-1006.01431.

Clinton, Timothy and George Ohlschlager. (2002). Competent Christian Counseling, Volume One, Foundations and Practice of Compassionate Soul Care; Colorado Springs, Colorado: WaterBrook Press. 


Never Good Enough (insightful article)

Divine Caroline (excellent website with valuable self-help information)

Daily Affirmations (various categories of affirmations i.e. career, weight loss, etc.)

Self-Esteem (an article at with excellent resources)

Additional Resources:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hakuna Matata, It Means a LOT of Worries for the Rest of Your Life

As I feel asleep the other evening I prayed to God about a reoccurring situation in my life.  It has plagued me from childhood and has not given me rest for over 30 years!  I've prayed about this situation many times over the years and I have asked God to take away this horrible happening that comes over and over again.  I have had periods of rest and even joy and happiness, but they are always short lived.  I would always be waiting in the back of my mind for the trouble to come and steal my happiness.

You see I have always had  barriers to my successes.  I have not yet tasted the fullness of my destiny and as I went to sleep the other day, God showed me to myself.  He explained to me very clearly, through  different Disney characters the circle of my life.  It seems strange I know, but I have learned to trust God when He speaks to me, no matter how peculiar it seems.  God has not led me astray yet!

God showed me this happening in my life was fear.  The Lion King was particularly relevant to the unfolding of this epiphany.  I watched The Lion King again before writing this post and the reality of my error was clear. 

Simba, the main character in The Lion King, suffered a great trauma when he was a child.  His dad was violently murdered by his brother Scar and Scar then blamed Simba, his nephew, for the murder.  Scar encouraged Simba to run away as the solution to his problem.  When Simba ran away he was befriended by two outcasts named Timon and Pumbaa.  Their philosophy for life was of course, Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna Matata is a slogan that represents a problem free life.  Timon advised Simba "when the world turns its back on you, (you should) turn your back on the world."  There are many problems with this philosophy.  The first problem is your state of denial.  You are forced the believe your life is perfect and ignore an emptiness inside of you that cries out to be filled.  You can not turn your back on the world and expect to fulfill your dreams.  The world needs you to contribute your gifts in a constructive manner.  When you reject the world people in need of your contributions lack and suffer.  You put yourself in a position that forces you to throw away your dreams because your dreams are fulfilled by touching the world around you.

The second problem with this mentality are the limitations you place on your creative being.  The world needs you to be you!  Not Barack Obama or Mother Theresa, it needs you because God created you with a specific plan and purpose.  Hukuna Matata means you are selfish and self-centered because you choose not to care about the world around you.  You intentionally desire the world to feel the pain and rejection you have inside.  You also devalue your entire existence.  If you really knew how priceless you were, you would never think of yourself, only others.

Scar represents many aspects of a stagnant life.  For me he represents fear.  What does he represent to you?  The only way to live a life of Empowered Peace is to confront your "Scar."  The scenario that plays itself over and over in your life will continue to occur until you deal with your internal Scar. 

Confronting your inner demons can be intimidating to say the least.  But it is possible and more importantly it is freedom! 

photos via: and via google images.
video via: The Dockeeping Channel on YouTube (great video's here)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Contact Information

Chaplain Donna
Welcome to Empowered Peace!  Empowered Peace is a site to refresh, revive and renew your mind, body and spirit.  Stay for a while and explore the information here, it is sure to make a diference in the quality of your life. 

I Personally read all of my e-mail!

Do you have a story to share?
I may be looking for your story.

Do you have an idea you would like to see on an upcoming post here at Empowered Peace?
Send me your topic suggestions.

Do you have a question or comment about a post?
Send in your thoughts!

What is your opinion about Empowered Peace?
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