Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Working on Monday"- What is Workplace Integrity?

One of the most important qualities a person can embody is integrity.  But what is integrity in the business world?  Through my years of employment I have seen this happen over and over again.  The lying, cheat get promoted, raises and unfortunately get other people fired.  They walk through the workplace with a chip on their shoulder and take every opportunity to suck up to administrators.  Everyone seems to be afraid of this person or office click and turn blind eyes to their behavior.  Respect is given to them and the guys acting with real integrity are getting the shaft.  What is going on?

The other scenario is a wicked boss.  They write people up based on nonsense.  They throw their authority around like cheep cologne and would be better off supervising parked cars! 

People are driven to take medications, turn into liars to keep their jobs and walk around on egg shells because they do not know what is coming next.  This is not what the workplace is supposed to be about.  Work is about getting quality goods and services to customers and keeping them satisfied.  Since when does customer satisfaction equal backstabbing your co-worker?  Why are we surprised when we hear stories like Enron?  What will it take to stop the corporate beasts?

These are complex questions.  It is very difficult to do the right thing in a corrupt environment.  One place you can start is here:
  1. Stop taking the B.S.  Let people understand you know how they operate.  Why play games and add life to their lie and death to your happiness.  
  2. Report bad behavior.  It is tough to report bad behavior in a corrupt environment.  People form clicks and cover each other.  Find outside reporting agencies.  Do not make ultimatums or give warnings.  Just do it!
  3. Find positive people and situations.  Being surrounded by corruption is emotionally, spiritually and physically draining.  Find positive people and situations to counter the nonsense.
 To be continued next Monday...
photo via: crossfitinvictis.com via Google images

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