Friday, March 4, 2011

Let Your Dreams Create Your Budget- Money Does Not Determine Your Destiny!

It does not take a bank full of money to live an Empowered life.  It takes a spirit that yearns to express its passion and the courage to embody the fullness of your existence.  Finding something that propels you to overcome financial obstacles is a great indication you found your passion. 

I heard the inspirational story of Dani Johnson yesterday.  She was a homeless teen that started a business out of the trunk of her car.  She demonstrated that her dream was bigger than her bank account.  Tyler Perry is another person that overcame homelessness and allowed his dream to direct his course.  He invested his life savings only to lose it.  This unfortunate tragedy still did not deter his yearning to produce plays.  These examples illustrate how the ignited momentum of a dream can overcome the limitations of an empty bank account.

How many of you have stopped dreaming because you allowed cash flow to dictate your destiny?  It is not cash that makes your dream, it is your dream that makes the cash!  When a person has a made up mind to win, no obstacle seems too impossible. 

Each person with breath in their lungs has something special to share.  Including you!  The constraints of limited funds can make you believe your dream is done, but the reality is, a limited budget can fuel your movement towards success.  Bad credit does not have to deter you either!  If you have a solid plan, many people will be willing to invest in your future.

It is important to change your perspective and use situations like limited or no funds work for you!  Here are some things to think about.
  1. Focus on where you want to be, not on where you are at.  If your attention is on the glory of your dreams, you are more likely to make decisions today, to get you there tomorrow.  
  2. Write a plan!  Putting your hopes and dreams in writing seals them in reality.  You will have a tendency to realign your life towards your goals.  You will become creative and think of innovative ways to make your dreams happen.
  3. Get serious!  The things you nurture in life become the biggest things in your life.  For example, if you nurture your bad luck, by thinking and talking about it all the time, you are more likely to have bad luck.  Begin to think about, see and act upon opportunities.  They are all around you!  Yes, even you!
  4. How much will it cost?  Begin to write down how much it will cost you to achieve your dream.  What are the things you need to reach your goal?  When you have an active knowledge of where you are going and what it will cost, miraculous things happen.  You begin to make better decisions and find resourceful ways to make money.  Suddenly waiting tables is not humiliating when there is a clear determined end.
  5. Be patient!  As you begin to work towards your dream, be patient.  Getting a clear idea, plan and way to finance your endeavor can take time.  If you have to get there before the end of the day you will give up before the real work begins.  Every person that has made it from nothing, made it on patience.
  6. Use your imagination wisely.  Set aside some time to visualize your dream.  Every person that has made it to a great goal, spent a lot of time day dreaming!  They pictured how the future would be when their dream was fulfilled.  They thought about the people they would meet and the words they would say.  The saw the clothes they would wear and they solved problems in their fantasies.  God gave us an imagination, use it for good.
I believe dreams can come true and I believe your dreams are only as real as you make them.  Re-kindle your fading expectations and watch your bank account follow!  

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