Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Empowered Woman's Gratitude on Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!  Though it is not a religious holiday, it is revered with honor in American culture.  I have many things to be thankful for this season, but today I am most thankful for my power!  I am thankful for my truth. 

Many times I have fallen short in the face of opposition.  I have allowed lies, both written and spoken to circulate and attach themselves to my name.  I have allowed people to control my life and keep me in subservient positions.  I have allowed people to tear me down without a fight because I was afraid and unwilling to confront hate so intense that it had an odor.  For many years I thought it was right to allow people to say negative things behind my back.  I allowed rumors to circulate going unchecked and let unkind people interfere and destroy my relationships.  I thought I was being a 'good' person and silently died waiting for someone to rescue me.

I have had some dynamic teachers step in and encourage me during critical times.  I am sure it was their words along with my parent's unconditional belief in me that allowed me to endure excruciating abuse and unfair treatment.  Recent events have given me a new attitude.  I am claiming my authority and exercising my right to be me!

I must say, I have at times, made attempts to stick up for myself, but I always fell short along the way.  I allowed many things to intimidate my efforts and allowed humiliation to be my garment.  I allowed distorted images of me to be written in the history books of life.  I thank God I have always found a way to stand up and try again!

My inner strength to endure abuse, has become an external expression.  I am thankful that I have learned I can fight for myself.  There isn't anything wrong with having your own back.  This is my Empowered Peace!  I have fought for my daughter and my parents with unwavering determination.  Now I KNOW it is right to fight for myself with the same zeal. 

Life is not perfect.  There are always going to be situations that require courage and strength.  I may not win them all, but by God I intend to fight! The truth is only told when it spoken.  The truth is only known when it is revealed.  This Thanksgiving I am thankful I can speak.  I am thankful that I am not afraid to confront uncomfortable situations and speak the truth in the midst of lies.  I am thankful I fight for myself!

What gives you the ability to be thankful?
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