Sunday, August 1, 2010

Relationship Makeovers: Its Time to Clean-Up

You have a relationship with everything in your life.  The most important element in each of these relationships is you, because without you the relationships could not exist. Think about how powerful this reality is, your existence sustains a union in the universe. Your perspective in each of your relationships contributes to the functioning of each union and your spiritual well-being.

Ruth was a young widow who followed her mother-in-law to a foreign land.  Ruth determined she would not leave her mother-in-law Naomi, "entreat me not to leave you...Lord do so to me...If anything but death parts you and me (Ruth 1:15-17 NKJ)."  Ruth's contributions into her relationships created life long security for her family.  The loyalty and love she freely gave to her mother-in-law Naomi inspired her to dream again.  Naomi was grieving from the death of her husband and only two sons.  She went back to her country a broken woman full of sorrow.  She was able to break out of her depression and live again because of her connection to Ruth.  Ruth's dedication to her relationships captured the heart of her husband.  Boaz, her husband passionately loved her and honored her womanhood.  Ruth delivered this same inherent quality of love into each of her connections.  She dedicated herself to God, her family, her work, her money, her intuition and her country.  Her relationships birthed wonderful rewards because they were cultivated with sincere unselfish intentions. 

As opposed to Ruth the Mobitess, Cain had strained relationships.  Cain was a farmer and he kept the best of everything for himself.  He gave God an offering guided by his own self-interest.  His brother Abel, however, acknowledged God's grace, and gave the best of all he had.  Cain was angry with God and jealous of Abel. He was extremely self-centered and his relationships suffered because of his perspective.  These destructive feelings were derived from his own greed.  He refused to take responsibility for his arrogant ways and it drove him to murder his brother.  The quality of his life was severely compromised because of poor relationships.  (Genesis 4:1-15 NKJ) 

Understanding that unselfish dedication naturally cultivates rewarding relationships is a winning perspective.  It is also a sure way to experience spiritual well-being.  I can hear you saying, "I do everything right, why are my relationships suffering?" 

Just like your home, your relationships can use some spring cleaning.  Your relationships accumulate a lot stuff and it gets difficult to enjoy them if they are full of clutter.  Take a look at your most important relationships: How are they affecting your spiritual well-being?  If your relationships are causing you to feel excessive sadness maybe it is time to clean them up!  Remove negative influences, everything that you hear, see and say.  Realize you can only change your perspective, stop trying to fix everyone else.  Make sure you give with pure intentions, giving with an expectation, can cause many unnecessary disappointments.  If you are still not satisfied with the quality of your relationships, decide if you want to continue in the union.  END abusive relationships!  Use caution when you end any relationship that is abusive, seek advice and follow a plan for your safety.  If you are unsure about your judgement seek credible counseling to help you make these important decisions.  Your relationships do make a difference in the quality of your life. 

Relationship Websites:  (international abuse directory) (relationship and communication advice for couples) (relationship advice for the workplace) (information on various relationship topics) (information on various relationship topics) (advice from healthcare professionals)

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