Monday, January 2, 2012

A Life Worth Living- Say No to Being Shamed and Feeling Guilty by Others!

There will always be people in your life that are bitter and angry.  Some are angry because they have given up on their dreams, some feel trapped by poor circumstances and others are simply whacked. They are suffocated by the power they allow others to place upon their lives and hate you for your perseverance. These people criticize you for positive behavior and try to make you feel guilty for doing great things. A few of these bitter people criticize you to your face, but most do it behind your back. A life worth living does not allow others to shame and guilt them into mediocrity!

I have had many people in my life attempt to shame me and make me feel guilty for trying to live an exceptional life.  Most of these people operated behind my back. They attacked me by convincing others I was somehow phony and/or bad. I didn't understand what was happening for many years.

I knew people would laugh at me, I could see people like me, turn against me, I could feel the coldness of judgement, I could feel the disgusted stares of hatred, but I didn't understand why. I said these people were jealous of me.  I let myself be convinced I was just wasting my time and I gave up many times.

As time passed and this same pattern continued, I began to see there was always a source! There was always one bitter person that hated my gusto and drive so much, they sabotaged it with their malicious, evil words. I was oblivious to this, because being exposed to negativity, over a long period of time, made me think I was worthless.  I couldn't see beyond the false image created by another person. 

People would doubt me because evil was planted in their minds by bitter people. The ignorance of these happenings caused me to be controlled by another person's hate for me. It also allowed me to be controlled by my own insecurities. I would try to please others and I felt so rejected when they wouldn't extend acceptance. Now I see, I was working against an image created by a bitter person. An image that was not real, but somehow I submitted to it. This is not and was not a life worth living!

Confronting bitter people is not always easy, but necessary to have a life worth living. This is one of the simple keys to living an Empowered life. Here are some ways for you to deal with bitter people:
  1. Remove them from your life all together!-If you have the ability to not speak to people who sabotage you do it! Allowing your life to be contaminated is just wrong. You are amazing and the sooner you remove bitter people, the sooner you will see it for yourself!
  2. Build Your Confidence!- Fill your life with information that affirms the greatness in you! Listening to negative people brings you down. Being around others that intentionally come against you steals your positive thoughts about yourself. It is important to not only take self confidence building information in, but believe it to be true. You are an amazing person and you are capable of doing exceptional things!
  3. Don't Live Down to Bad Expectations- God created you in His image and living down to others expectations gives others undeserved power in your life. Why should any man have the power to design your life. God made you and He made you great!
  4. Never Give Up on Your Dreams!- Your dreams are precious! Protect them, believe in them and allow them to fuel your personal success! As Justin Bieber says "Never Say Never!" 

images via, via Google images


  1. Great post! I can't count how many times I have been around people that were just plain miserable. What people don't understand is that being near negativity spreads negativity. You ultimately pick it up and start sharing it with the next person if you aren't careful. We have a choice in what we allow in our lives and what we don't.

    Sometimes I sit back and reassess the situation at hand and wonder what else is going on in their lives that makes them so unhappy. Most times they are simply lacking what you have and you know that old saying, "misery loves company". I would rather be around others that inspire others to be better then themselves.

  2. Hello, Chaplain Donna! I saw your post in LogAllot's round-up today and wanted to stop by to see how you are doing.

    My husband and I have done a lot of "housekeeping" this past year. Sometimes you don't realize how much weight these outsiders are putting on you personally until they are gone. We often don't even know that we are conforming to a lower standard until we surround ourselves with those that will help lift us to a higher level of living.


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