Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11- 10 Years Later

I feel such sadness remembering 9/11.  Even as I write this article my eyes are filled with tears. 

The days prior to this infamous anniversary, I debated if I would watch programs of the horrible footage.  I struggled with even allowing my mind to ponder the somber realities of death and shattered lives.

In the end I decided I must be true to myself and my country.  I am remembering 9/11 and it hurts like hell. 

I think I am crying more today, then I did 10 years ago.  10 years ago it seemed that the world just stopped.  The only thing I wanted was my daughter in my arms and to be in front of the television.  As the years have passed our country has and continues to rebuild itself.  I feel safer walking down the street, but I remember being frighted to open my mail or ofgoing into large public building.  Time has a strange way of soothing pain and erasing fear.

If you are remembering 9/11 today it is okay to cry.  It is okay to be angry and it is even okay to smile.  Take your energy and put into something positive.  Here are a few suggestions.
  1. Thank a soldier
  2. Donate your time or money to a 9/11 charity
  3. Call a friend and share your feelings
  4. Pray
  5. Get more involved with politics
  6. Write a letter to a soldier
  7. Thank God that America is still standing!
God Bless America!
photo via via Google images


  1. It has been a long road for all affected by the tragic event of 9.11... The Memorials are beautiful and while we will never forget, we all continue on the path of faith...


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